Mr. Ashish Kumar Sharma – President-GBIA welcomed the member and asked the issues during the Industrialization
Mr. Deepak Shrivastava Secretary-Gen-GBIA solved members’ querries & issues very intelligently and assured all
possible support for the betterment of the industries
GBIA was well represented by Mr. Ashish Kumar Sharm President-GBIA, Mr. Deepak Shrivastava Secretary-Gen-GBIA, Mr. Kishore Kumar Vice President-GBIA, Prominent Members present wereArif Ahmed, Naval, Antesh Bhandari, Abhishek Bhandari, Umesh Kumar, Annu Khan, Vijay Sharma, Varun Mathur, Rohit Goyal, Deepak Kumar, Lalit Chauhan, Rajesh Ranjan, Sachin Kataria, Abhishek Gupta